Thinking About Divorcing an Alcoholic? Here’s What You Need to Know

Combining alcoholism and divorce multiplies the challenges, especially financial and custody issues. Be aware, too, that anyone can turn to alcohol during a stressful time like divorce, even if we’re facing a divorce due to alcohol abuse.

How many marriages end in divorce because of alcoholism

However, the broadly defined high-risk categories may have somewhat attenuated our effect estimates, especially for women. This finding corresponds well with our results for the reference groups, as opposed to those for men from couples with high pre-divorce alcohol consumption. Interestingly, Hetherington found that although most people tend to adjust well to a divorce in time, about 10% report elevated scores on depression marriage after sobriety more than 10 years post-divorce. Typically, members of this group were troubled by alcohol or drug abuse, other health problems, low self-esteem, low social support, poverty and anti-social behavior. This may indicate that in some cases negative effects of divorce may be cumulative – problems cause more problems to arise. The trends for men from pre-divorce high-risk couples essentially showed the same pattern.

What to do when the alcohol abuse is debilitating

The level of difficulty when dealing with an alcoholic with an ongoing alcohol abuse problem can vary so greatly from one person to another that the greatest consistency is a lack of consistency. Recent research suggests that married couples may enjoy better relationship satisfaction when they have the same drinking habits.

How does drinking affect married life?

Couples in which both spouses use alcohol heavily may experience greater rates of physical aggression, which can negatively affect children. When both spouses drink heavily or both spouses report greater alcohol dependence, couples report the most frequent husband-perpetrated physical aggression.

In one study, about half of the respondents improved with time, whereas about one fourth of the sample got worse . The change in mental health post-divorce may depend upon several factors, of which one is gender. Although anxiety and depression are more prevalent in women , several studies suggest graver post-divorce consequences for men than for women . The effect of change in mental health problems also seems to depend upon time since the divorce. Mental distress has been found to peak around the time of the divorce , and the symptom levels are elevated for many years after the divorce. Divorce is usually a very disruptive, chaotic and exhausting process.

Divorce Because Of Alcohol Abuse

The present study is the first to investigate the effects of divorce on change in mental health among couples where at least one of the spouses have a risky consumption of alcohol before the divorce. Individuals who will get divorced have more mental health problems prior to the divorce. However, the divorce leads to additional strain for both normal consumers and high-risk users – and their spouses.

  • Although the same trend was not observed for women from couples with high pre-divorce alcohol consumption, random fluctuations may have obscured a similar relationship among women.
  • Even in states like California, where there is no at-fault divorce filing, alcoholism can affect divorce-related rulings, such as child custody.
  • Imputing the alcohol items reduced missing values from 9.4% to 1.1% for the male respondents and from 21.3% to 2.4% for the female respondents.
  • To our knowledge, the effects of divorce on mental health specifically among heavy drinkers or among spouses of heavy drinkers have not been studied previously.
  • A 2014 study5found that among those with alcohol use disorder at some point during their lives, 48.3% experienced a divorce compared to 30.1% of those with no history of alcohol use disorder.

It’s okay to recognize this and make the decision to step away from the relationship in order to seek help. Consuming drugs or alcohol is one of the primary activities you do together. Signs that your relationship is being negatively impacted by addiction. Children of addicted parents are also more likely to experience divorce. In such situations, the wage earning spouse and his or her lawyer should consider whether the spouse’s vocational examination is reasonable and necessary. A vocational examination is authorized by California Family Code section 4331 .

Divorcing an alcoholic who is the lower income earner

Research shows that partners can influence each other’s drinking behaviors. According to one study, if a wife started drinking heavily, her husband was three times more likely to increase his intake too. Similarly, women were twice as likely to drink more if their husbands did. This can make it harder to quit or cut back—although if both partners are committed, they may also be able to support each other. Family court judges are governed by the best interests of the child when determining legal and physical custody of a child and when and how visitation should take place. In no-fault divorces, the suing partner needs to only state that irreconcilable differences prevent the couple from staying married. This means the court isn’t going to judge either spouse’s actions when it comes to deciding a divorce, even if alcoholism is a factor.

In terms of rights to property, most courts will try to split all assets equally between both parties. However, in some instances, the alcoholic spouse could be penalized.

How To Divorce An Alcoholic

Symptoms include an inability to control how much you drink, consuming alcohol regardless of consequences, or making attempts to cut back from drinking, which haven’t worked. A study found that 50 percent of couples where one spouse was a heavy drinker divorced.

How many marriages end in divorce because of alcoholism

Merriam-Webster defines alcoholism as „a medical condition in which someone frequently drinks too much alcohol and becomes unable to live a normal and healthy life.“ We recommend you view it before or after you read the article to obtain knowledge about this complex divorce topic. Here is a transcript of that video for anyone with disabilities who requires it – Divorcing an alcoholic transcript. The following is the table of contents on this guide to divorcing an alcoholic. What we write below is validated through our significant experience with California divorce cases that involve substance abuse.

When Should I Worry About My Husband’s Drinking?

Marriage and substance abuse of any kind can be complicated, but the following overview explains if and when alcoholism is grounds for divorce or annulment. Winning a child custody battle is very difficult as a parent who suffers from a substance abuse problem.

  • The full VSA model can be tested in future longitudinal research with multiple measures of stress, marital interactions, and marital quality, preferably with large samples of couples over extended periods.
  • It seems there was a defining incident on a private plane, when Brad was inappropriately rough with one of his children.
  • Counseling can help almost all of us, especially our children when alcoholism has been an active problem in our marriage and in our family life.
  • Alcoholism and divorce statistics show that divorce is more likely for people with an alcohol addiction.
  • We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals.

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